Rill erosion is the removal of soil by concentrated water running through little streamlets, or headcuts. Detachment in a rill occurs if the sediment in the flow is below the amount the load can transport and if the flow exceeds the soil’s resistance to detachment.Click to see full answer. In this way, what causes rill erosion?The surface water flows that cause sheet erosion rarely flow for more than a few metres before concentrating into rills. Rills are shallow drainage lines less than 30cm deep. They develop when surface water concentrates in depressions or low points through paddocks and erodes the soil.Also, what are the types erosion? Erosion is the process where rocks are broken down by natural forces such as wind or water. There are two main types of erosion: chemical and physical. Chemical erosion occurs when a rock’s chemical composition changes, such as when iron rusts or when limestone dissolves due to carbonation. Thereof, what is sheet and rill erosion? Sheet and rill erosion Sheet erosion occurs when a thin layer of topsoil is removed over a whole hillside paddock—and may not be readily noticed. Rill erosion occurs when runoff water forms small channels as it concentrates down a slope.How do you fix rill erosion?Another practice to reduce rill erosion is strip cropping and contour planting. To alternate strips of annual crops with perennial sod planted on the contour helps stop runoff from creating rills that might form in the annual crop.