Start seeds indoors about 6 weeks before transplanting to the garden. When planting onion sets, plant them between 2 and 6 inches apart, and don’t bury them more than 1 inch under the soil. When planting transplants into the garden, space plants 4 to 5 inches apart in rows 12 to 18 inches apart.Click to see full answer. Similarly, how far apart should I plant onions?Space the plants 4 to 5 inches apart in the row to produce large-sized bulbs (closer spacing significantly decreases bulb size) or space 2 to 2 _ inches apart and harvest every other plant as a green onion. Allow 12 to 18 inches between rows or space onions 6 to 8 inches apart in all directions in beds. how many onions will one plant produce? Twenty to 50 onions can grow in 1 to 1½ square feet of space. But onions are easily grown in odd spaces alongside both slower and faster growing vegetables. Green onions can be ready in 20 to 30 days after planting. Dry bulb onions can take 100 to 175 days to reach maturity. In this regard, how early can I plant onion sets? As soon as the ground can be worked in the spring, put the sets in. In the North that’s usually in late March and early April. Gardeners in the mild winter areas of the Deep South can plant their sets in the fall and get a plentiful supply of fresh onions throughout the winter months.How do you plant onions?In the garden, onion plants should be spaced 4 to 6 inches apart in the row, with rows 1 to 2 feet apart. Plant each one about 1/2 inch deep in a small hole. After planting, trim the tops to about 4 inches. Onions need about 1 inch of water per week, so if the weather is dry, you’ll need to water.